Thanks To ChiroTrust, Chiropractors are Finally Becoming Respected, Trusted, in Demand and Paid What They are Worth
My journey in Chiropractic has been a long and adventurous one, and that’s putting it mildly.
In the last 20 years, I have struggled, starved, slept in my practice, been so frustrated I cried, been incredibly successful… and… fought a tremendous legal battle standing up for the doctors and profession I love.
I have been loved… hated… and even vilified.
I have paid huge sums of money to “coaches” and “consultants.” Most were, at best, useless. But a few were…
Pure Gold
These “pure gold” marketing and business geniuses taught me such an incredible amount over the years… it is mind boggling. I implemented, tested, tweaked, modified and perfected. I have spent MILLIONS over decades searching for the answer.
And now it is time for the student to become the master.
What I have brainstormed and developed with ChiroTrust™ is like nothing the Chiropractic profession has ever seen.
This is a bold statement… but I believe it to be 100% accurate..
ChiroTrust™ Will Change the Way Your Prospects and Patients
View YOU and the Entire Chiropractic Profession
Doctors who take the ChiroTrust™ pledge will be trusted, respected, in demand, and paid what they are worth.
Doctors who do not will be left behind.
In just a moment, I’m going to give you some more details about how all this works and exactly how it directly affects YOU… and affects you RIGHT NOW.
But first, I have to tell you about something that will lay a little ground work so everything will become crystal clear and make it much easier for YOU to get what YOU want out of your practice and life…
Let’s begin with…
The Facebook Frenzy!!!
If you have been reading my emails, you know I have been having some fun on Facebook.
I say fun because that’s exactly what it is. I know many Chiropractors think posting on Facebook is marketing and a great way to build their practice. I disagree for many reasons.
First reason is – most of what they do on Facebook is terrible positioning, and without positioning… you have NOTHING. Without proper positioning – REAL success will always elude you. You will forever be like a dog chasing its tail.
The second reason is there are so many better, more powerful and elegant ways to build your practice. Time, effort, and resources should be devoted to these superior strategies that build your practice THE RIGHT WAY… with proper positioning.
Facebook marketing gurus will tell you differently, but I think they have a vested interest in doing so. 🙂
Anyway, more about my “fun” on Facebook…
I put up several posts, all worded differently, but they all meant the same thing. And they all had the same purpose.
Every post was a way of saying…
To Get What You Want
You Must First Give People What They Want
My posts also had a recurring theme about operating in the real world vs. trying to operate in the world the way you wished it was.
The responses I got were pretty incredible. And I must say… quite awesome.
Several things became instantly and abundantly clear…
First, Chiropractors are extremely passionate about Chiropractic and helping people, but their desire to help people is quite often the exact reason they struggle in practice.
How can this be?
Many Chiropractors feel the obligation to dictate to patients what they need. They believe… since they went to a lot of school and got a Chiropractic degree… they know more than the patient and they are going to tell them what to do.
They say that they are actually doing a dis-service to the patient if they do not give them what they need.
The first troubling aspect of this paradigm is actually believing that you know what’s best for anyone.
Chiropractors can’t agree with each other on technique, frequency of visits, what conditions Chiropractic care is good for, etc., etc., etc. Yet, you know what’s best for the patient?
I’m NOT saying you do not know what you are doing. Not even close. There is a much bigger point here and you must put your ego aside and step outside the way you have been conditioned to think to see it.
If you do, it will set you free and you will have the ability to finally achieve so many of the things in life that have eluded you to this point. If you do not… you will continue to get more of the same.
The choice is yours.
I am always amazed at struggling people who have all the answers and stubbornly stick to and vehemently defend the ways that created and maintain their current status in practice and in life.
I could go on and on about this… but it really doesn’t matter.
Actually, let’s step outside the real-world for minute and into fantasy-land. Let’s say you actually do know exactly what a patient needs.
Here’s the problem with that: The patient doesn’t care.
The patient cares about one thing and one thing only…
They Care About
What They Want
Know this… it is one of the most important things you will ever discover: Wants and needs are VERY different.
People almost always find the time and money for the things they WANT. They do not find the time and money for the things they NEED.
In fact, people sacrifice the things they need to have the things they want.
Not too long ago, I spoke to a young man who told me he was struggling and broke. He asked me what he should do to turn his life around and make some money.
I advised him to purchase some information that would show him exactly what to do. The investment in the information was less than $1,000.
He told me he could no afford it.
Later in the conversation I asked him about his tattoos. He was covered in them.
He told me he went to one of the best tattoo artists in Northern California and had spent over $10,000 on his “ink.”
I shook my head.
If you don’t think this scenario is typical, then you do not understand behavioral psychology.
People foreclose on their mortgage every day while owning luxury cars, iPhones, iPads, 70’ flat screen TVs., going on vacations, and eating at fancy restaurants several nights a week.
The examples are ENDLESS.
Now, if people happen to want what they need, which is what you are offering… you are a hero.
Sadly, for most Chiropractors, this is not the case. What most Chiropractors dictate to patients is not even close to what they want.
Let’s be crystal clear about this. Grown adults are not looking for someone to be their parent and tell them what to do.
When Michael Bloomberg was the Mayor of New York, he passed a bill that made it illegal to buy soda and certain sugary drinks above a certain size. People where outraged, as they should be.
I do not drink that garbage, but I also do not want politicians telling me what’s best for me.
Your patients are the same. They want what they want. You are either going to give it to them… or you are not.
Now, here is one extremely important point about all this, because so many people completely misinterpret what I mean by “giving people what they want.”
Several people commented how giving people what they want was basically “selling out.”
They said offering people what they want is not “real” chiropractic. They said I am ruining the profession. Someone actually posted that I am a “cancer” to the profession.
These people are clearly uniformed about both ChiroTrust™ and Psychology.
Here is why…
Let’s clear up the psychology first. Once you understand this, growing your practice will become easy.
First, people must believe you enough to take your advice and start care with you. If they do not believe you, you are dead in the water.
Most doctors (and people in general) think that people make decisions based on facts. Nothing could be further from the truth.
People make decisions based on what they want and THEIR VERSION OF THE TRUTH. That… and emotions.
An individual’s version of the truth often times has nothing to no with reality. People form their truths from whatever information they were exposed to as young children. That forms the structure of their reality. For most, it sticks with them for the rest of their life.
This belief system they formulated as children from half-truths, urban legends and flat out gibberish is also the way they make the world understandable… safe, secure and stable.
So, changing their belief system is not a simple task. It is not as simple as seeing new facts and changing their mind because changing their mind is actually changing the entire belief system they developed as a child. Changing this would make their stable world instantly unstable. Mentally, they would be a little, scared child again.
If you think this is not accurate… I ask you this…
Have you ever had a political or religious debate with someone? Have you EVER changed ANYONE’S mind or beliefs?
Has Anyone Ever
Changed YOURS?
How many times have you shown a patient absolute and definitive proof about something and they still said no?
How many medical doctors… even when faced with a stack of research a mile high… still do not “believe” in Chiropractic?
This is why research is NOT the answer to our profession’s problems.
I am NOT saying we do not need research and research is not important, but it has nothing to do with our professions biggest problem.
Blatantly confronting people only does ONE THING: it turns them off and chases them away. Even if they smile, nod their head and say “yes” to you. They are doing this just to avoid conflict. On the inside, they are saying no and wondering how long they have to listen.
You must always begin by being in 100% agreement with your prospect or patient.
Does this mean you are a “sell out” or a fraud?
No. Not even close. This means you are smart, and by doing this you will help countless more people than the non sell-outs ever will.
And here is why…
If you start in 100% agreement with a prospects of patients already existing beliefs and wants – that gives you the greatest change to get them to start care with you.
When you promise to give them what they want – and then actually do it – you gain their TRUST.
You have just EARNED the opportunity to tell them about and offer them more.
And because you have already proven yourself to them by giving them what they want (you should be under-promising and over-delivering), the odds of them really listening to you and following your recommendation are a whole heck of a lot greater.
I’m still not saying you are going to get people to do what they do not want. For the vast majority of people, that is just not going to happen.
But you will get people to be much more open to new and different points of view. And you will have the opportunity to keep patients longer and have them refer much more.
And this is EXACTLY what ChiroTrust™ is all about
and why it is so revolutionary
ChiroTrust™ is market-centered. Patient-centered. Its core belief is that in order to get what you want, you must first start by giving the patient what they want. EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT AND HOW THEY WANT IT.
And ChiroTrust™ is doing this on a MASSIVE scale. I am using all of my marketing expertise so that prospective patients know about ChiroTrust™ and want a doctor who has taken the ChiroTrust™ pledge.
What is the pledge?
Here is the exact pledge at it appears on the new ChiroTrust™ website…
After years and years and millions of dollar spent on marketing, I know for a fact that this is exactly what the market wants.
Offices who offer this type of care get more new patients, convert more prospects into paying patients, and have patients who stay longer and refer more.
Now with my mass-marketing underway… I predict there will be a time in the not too distant future when your office phone will ring and prospective patients will ask you…
“Is This a ChiroTrust™ Office?
Has the Doctor Taken the ChiroTrust™ Pledge?”
I would be prepared to answer that question.
The best part about all this is: The public will finally see a decisive, unified, and correct message they agree with coming from the Chiropractic profession.
Chiropractic has been around since 1895. It has had well over a century to get its message and act together.
Quite frankly… it has failed miserably.
Chiropractors have been helping people all this time and still remain second-class citizens in the medical community.
You sacrificed. You worked hard. You dedicated your life to helping people, and you have already helped countless patients.
It’s time to reap the rewards. It’s time to be recognized for who and what you really are. It’s time for you to be trusted, respected, in serious demand, and paid what you are worth.
That’s what ChiroTrust™ is all about.
The first step is taking the pledge. If you have not done so yet… do it right now.
As soon as you take the pledge, you will feel the albatross finally being lifted off your neck. You will know you are on your way to the success and life you truly deserve.
After that, all you have to do is participate in all the great things ChiroTrust™ has to offer. ChiroTrust™ will do almost all the heavy lifting. You just have to do what’s in to program and take great care of your patients.
I haven’t been this excited about our profession in a long time!
I know that I finally have the answer, strategy and tools to make a monumental change that will enhance the lives of countless doctors and patients.
Imagine… one day, say a year from now, your phone rings every day with patients who want a ChiroTrust™ doctor. Patients are not skeptical. They start care without a huge debate. They stay and refer. All the stress and strain is gone so you can finally enjoy your family and your life.
Imagine looking back on today as the day that started it all, the day you took the ChiroTrust pledge, the day you read this newsletter and finally understood how all this works and decided to take action to be a ChiroTrust™ doctor.
Welcome aboard. Your practice and life will never be the same.
This newsletter is a copyrighted publication, produced solely for member use. Please understand that there are many legal issues that are always present in any business. If you feel that you cannot interpret the laws in your state, please consult an attorney. The content in this newsletter is merely an opinion and not legal or compliance advice.
©2014 ChiroTrust™
Press Release:
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