The easiest way to stay on track is to know where you want to go.
How to get there is rarely the issue.
When you have a destination, a clear goal, that alone should keep you from wandering elsewhere and it’s the wandering that creates the wondering and the worry.
You’ve certainly heard about how a sculptor creates a beautiful statue from a block of marble by eliminating everything that is not the statue.
So, know what you want first.
Then, as you learn how to get there, begin the elimination, the deletion, and the editing out of everything else.
If you aren’t getting what you want out of your practice, it is merely because you aren’t visualizing what you want and removing everything that you don’t.
The “how to” is more “what not to do” than anything else.
That’s how I built ChiroTrust and how ChiroTrust creates practices that are visibly different.
I started with what not to do.
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