One of the ways to improve a business is to work on it, not to work in it.
Sure, we all must work in our businesses, but SOMEONE has to work on it and if we don’t do it, no one will.
Spend some time alone in a coffee shop or at the library.
Think about how you process patients, what it’s like to be them in your practice, and how you communicate to them before, during, and after each visit.
What your patients see and experience has more to do with the odds of them coming back and referring than if their insurance pays for your care or not.
So don’t take insurance patients for granted. Ultimately, they are consumers with options.
You aren’t the only game in town but…if everything you do is refreshingly different, simple, and enjoyable… you will be to your patients.
You must be different.
You must be better.
You must give consumers what they want.
Otherwise, you are a commodity, common and replaceable.
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