We know… Your C.A. is really good at calling patients who miss their appointment to get ‘em back in the office, to remind new patients of their appointment, and to call old patients who haven’t been in for a while.
Heck, it’s part of their “job”, right? Shouldn’t they be busy doing something all the time? The more they do, the more you are getting out of them, yes?
You’re good at calling every new patient after their first visit to check up on them.
And it’s working, so why stop, right?
You and your staff may consider these activities to be productive and part of what you do, just like many other office procedures and policies, but here’s why you should NOT call your patients…
It does more harm than good.It positions you as needy.It repels more than it attracts.It decreases value perception.It’s poor positioning.
The truth is, you do it because you fear what will happen if you don’t.
Like many things that you may be doing that are unnecessary (at best) and damaging (at worst), you will get resistance from your staff to change.
You might even have the urge to maintain the status quo because…
- That’s what you were taught by a consultant.
- That’s what everybody else does.
- You’ve been doing it for so long.
When you eliminate all the policies and procedures and just do everything in your power to offer your patients convenience and the ability to get only what they want—nothing more, nothing less—and use the ChiroTrust online and offline communication, reputation, relevance, relationship, and positioning systems, then more patients pay, stay, and refer.
So stop chasing them.
If they want to come in, they will.
If they don’t want to come in, they won’t.
And if they don’t, you have bigger problems that chasing them won’t solve.
You aren’t in the business of keeping you or your C.A. busy.
You are in business to give your patients and your patient list value online, offline, all the time…before, during, and after they are under care.
That’s the business you’re in.
The money is a byproduct.
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