If you understand this, you will be a far more effective business owner and consumer.
Your decisions will be fun, fast, and right.
It’s all about WHY people buy what they buy.
They BUY because they want a specific result, outcome, or experience.
When I go to a restaurant, I refuse to look at the menu.
I don’t care what that restaurant is selling.
I already know what I want.
I simply tell the food server what I want and for them to give me that… or something close to that.
That’s it. That’s me.
Patients want to get out of pain.
That’s what they want.
Provided that the solution is less painful than theirs symptom/s, HOW you get them out of pain isn’t as important to them.
But for your sake, YOU better be the how… not the things they can get elsewhere.
So as a Chiropractor, stop explaining the how.
As a consumer, become better at knowing what you want and then buy the want, not the how.
You will do much better just giving fish than you ever will teaching how to catch fish.
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