Why is it that Chiropractors got into debt to become a Chiropractor but they have a hard time investing in their practice?
Why is it that Chiropractors would rather get a patient from advertising than from referrals?
Why is that Chiropractors see patients as “case” types?
Why is it that Chiropractors ignore the hundreds (maybe thousands) of patients who have already been a “customer”?
Why is it that Chiropractors think complexity, not simplicity, is the answer?
Why is it that Chiropractors have an overhead of 60% or more?
Why is it that Chiropractors let their spouse control what they can and cannot do?
Why is it that Chiropractors think that past successes should continue indefinitely without them having to change and evolve?
Why is it that Chiropractors expect patients to go from Chiropractor to Chiropractor until they find a “good one”; yet, after one bad experience, they stop seeking help for their practice?
Why is it that Chiropractors think the more days per week they work, the more money they will make?
Why is it that Chiropractors who can’t succeed with their own hands think that they will succeed with equipment, supplements, or a new office location? Or using someone else’s so that they can stay home or do something else?
Why is it that Chiropractors have a hard time accepting that most of their patients come to them with neck or back pain and continue to repel them with what they do and what they say?
Why is it that Chiropractors think that their situation is unique?
Why is it that the Chiropractors who struggle the most are the same ones who think that they know it all?
Why is it that Chiropractors wait ‘til their practice is in the gutter to do something about it?
Like it or not, you have blind spots too!
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