If you’ve been with me for a while, then you know that I’m a fan of “elegant solutions”.
To me, an elegant solution is one that has a high impact with the least amount of…
– words
– work
– worry
– willpower
An elegant solution is minimalistic and wastes no time.
An elegant solution has few moving parts.
An elegant solution is sustainable, reliable, and creates peace of mind.
An elegant solution has integrity and is an expression of high principles and values.
“Is it elegant?” is the question that everything I consider is filtered through, from how I work out to how I spend my time and who I spend my time with.
What matters to me more than money is how my money is made.
Funny thing is, from what I’ve experienced, there is no better way to make money than to make it elegantly.
ChiroTrust is a reflection of that and I hope that shines through to you and for you.
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