This may be a tough pill to swallow for some of you…
I know, there is way more to Chiropractic than just pain relief, but pain relief is what the market wants.
Chiropractors who try to sell corrective and preventative care almost always lose way more patients and patient visits than they gain.
Selling “Wellness”, “Maintenance” and “Family” care reduces referrals and lifetime patient retention.
Members who choose to accept reality, implement properly, and stay the course end up with a real business.
Members who come to ChiroTrust already giving patients what they want get the quickest results. Their only weak link was poor positioning and lack of daily communication with their list.
Those who come to ChiroTrust with a history of over treating, over charging, and/or over selling may experience some growing pains that can be alleviated by using the support offered at Committee meetings and on our secret group on Facebook.
It’s a small price to pay to get your practice and your life back.
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