Value versus want…
Value has to do with usefulness.
Wants come and go.
Value is sticky.
Wants are fleeting.
Chiropractors can create want with scare tactics, salespersonship, and pressure.
Focus on providing value and watch your patients “stick” around for a very, very long time.
…And you’ll never have to over tell and over sell ever again.
I talk a lot about giving patients “what they want”, but when you can get patients to actually value YOU, then you’ve really got something!
How do you build and maintain value?
- Listening.
- Honoring your word.
- Putting patients first.
- Consistency and reliability over time.
- Transparency.
- Trustworthiness.
- Honesty.
- Making and keeping things simple.
- Accepting patients as they already are.
Wants attract.
But value keeps.
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