We all like pay offs and rewards.
It’s what makes social media so addicting.
It’s also why time blocking works so well…
It can become an addiction and that’s a good thing.
Blocking time for one specific task and completing it makes us feel good.
This is how I manage my time and get a lot done without the need for motivation.
Through time blocking, I’ve become addicted to productivity.
The key is to start with small tasks and complete them within a relatively short period of time… uninterrupted.
Completion is the key.
Even large tasks can initially be broken down into small ones.
Then over a few weeks, increase the size of the tasks and the time allotted for each… to hours, if necessary.
How do you know when you’ve mastered time blocking?
Things get done.
You are rarely distracted.
You seldom run out of energy or time or “wing it” through your day like most people do.
The choice, the credit, and the blame are all yours.
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