You should be feeling it by now—the kids are off school, Thanksgiving is approaching, and the “all bets are off” on getting people to focus on what we sell.
It’s as if the marketplace is hibernating and it will take 2020 to wake them up and get them active again.
This is certainly the case with Chiropractors.
Fewer DCs join ChiroTrust during November and December and that is totally fine with me.
We will keep building and communicating with our list (our “marketing”).
Because we know that when January comes, our numbers will skyrocket.
So, enjoy the Holidays.
Just don’t freak out if your numbers go down some too.
Whatever you do, unless you want a slow January, don’t stop or slow down your mailings, your posts, or any of your marketing.
Thinking, planning, and implementing for the long term takes maturity, patience, and a proper perspective.
That’s what it takes to succeed.
Enjoy the holidays!
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