What ChiroTrust is, what ChiroTrust does, and how ChiroTrust does it is always evolving…
Not because I like change or hate doing things the same way, but because as I continue to go deeper into the marketplace of DCs, I find a different kind of mindset.
25 years ago, the DCs I attracted in this small pond called Chiropractic were a lot different than the DCs left in the pond now.
I say pond because there aren’t many new DCs coming into the profession compared to the number who retire or change careers.
I’ve used this example in the past….
It’s easy to dig a two-foot hole, but it gets increasingly more difficult as you go deeper.
But don’t worry.
You don’t fish out of a pond. You fish out of a stream filled with new, fresh potential patients each day.
All you have to do is get and keep attention and that is why ChiroTrust always works.
Me…I have to continually tweak my message and sometimes how I do things for the newest of members.
This is all good for you and a big pain for me. 🙂
So trust me when I say this….
The grass is rarely greener on the other side of the fence.
Keep fishing!
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