If you don’t or can’t do EVERYTHING ChiroTrust Right, Thorough, and Consistent (RTC), then do everything right for as many people and patients as possible and then work up from there and as quickly as possible.
This will serve you better than partial and/or sporadic execution with everyone.
For example…
In your practice, go ChiroTrust RTC with new patients, then current patients, and then go into your list.
For new patients…
- maybe no modalities on a few new patients
- white clinic jacket
- see if you can kick them out in 1- 6 visits
- mail them every 2 weeks (Mailings in the Vault)
- tell them that they can walk in without an appointment
- don’t talk too much or over educate them
- listen and give them what they want
- avoid the temptation of mentioning anything related to “maintenance” or “wellness” care
They will come back and refer more than anyone else.
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