I’ve said it before and now I am hearing others in the marketing world admit it…
“Social Media Marketing
Is bad for small businesses.”
Why? There are many reasons. Here are just a few…
- Less thought, time, energy, and most importantly MONEY is spent creating and delivering great products and services.
- Perception becomes bigger and better than reality. Sooner or later, customers become disillusioned.
- Substance has been replaced with style.
- Business owners become more concerned and addicted to relatively meaningless “likes”, “shares”, “comments”, and “clicks” than they do referrals and repeat business.
- Social Media has become more of a popularity contest than the best way to build and maintain a real business.
- Business owners feel the F.O.M.O. and waste hours paying attention to what their competition is up to. This kills confidence, clarity, and joy.
- Consumers, clients, and patients are increasingly becoming less, not more, responsive.
Just look how many broad and niched digital marketing experts and agencies there are out there nowadays.
They can care less about your customers.
They jump from niche to niche, client to client, contract to contract.
Don’t forget why you are in business!
Settle in. Settle down.
And settle for referrals… ‘cause noth’n beats ‘em!
To never be without, “market” from within.
And get better at knowing what to do once you got ‘em.
Getting them might be more fun than “got ‘em” BUT…
It’s not as simple, sustainable, or profitable!
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