Yeah I know, some of your patients tell you that they “found you online” and that makes you feel good.
It must be from all your positive reviews, right?
Maybe not.
Nowadays, the Internet has replaced the phone book and HOW people find you BUT… it doesn’t prove WHY they chose you.
Regardless (and you can take this to the bank), nothing will ever beat “word of mouth” from family member to family member, friend to friend, co-worker to co-worker.
Yelp, Google Review, Next Door… are becoming less, not more, effective.
All these platforms make money through advertising.
Who pays for the advertising?
Business owners.
See, these platforms want your money.
It’s more about what you see, hear, and want to believe than it is about what matters most and what’s really going on…
Are YOUR patients referring others?
If not, then no amount of targeting or retargeting will matter.
“Ben, what’s wrong with focusing on both?”
Nothing. As long as you remind yourself that if you have to pay to play, then you may have bigger problems like…
- patient satisfaction
- marketplace perception
- self-sabotage
Monitor your motivation.
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