Rent or buy a house?
Live near your relatives?
Accept all norms?
Whole life or term insurance?
Boat or no boat?
Smartphone, flip phone, or no phone?
Weights or walks?
Pay for kid’s college?
Own a car?
Complexity or simplicity?
Materialism or Minimalism?
Alcohol or no alcohol?
Fat or fit?
Retire or never retire?
Live on or off the land?
Upsize or downsize?
Work full time or part time?
More practice bells and whistles or fewer?
Ambition or contentment?
Easy or hard on yourself?
Needs over wants or vice versa?
Your happiness and well-being depend on the questions you ask, so ask a lot of them.
Question everything.
You don’t have to buy into the status quo.
There is a racket going on in every industry and subgroup…
Formal education
Health care
Your neighborhood
Your household
Personally, I prefer one foot in the box and one foot outside the box, and not taking anyone or anything too seriously.
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