You’ve heard the saying, “Meet the patient where they’re at.”
A lot of Chiropractors miss the mark when it comes to this concept and it can be detrimental to their practice.
From the moment they meet a prospect or patient, their verbal and non-verbal communication is (unintentionally) designed to pull the patient to what the Chiropractor values and wants.
The patient becomes skeptical and/or confused and may decide not to start care. If they do commence treatment, they’ll eventually second guess their decision to start care and stop coming in. And once they leave, they’ll never return.
As a result, these D.C.s assume they need to become better at explaining the value of Chiropractic or they blame patients for not putting more value on their health. Both assumptions are inaccurate.
I like this quote from Tom Bilyeu, a man who knows marketing better than anyone I know. You might know him, he and his partner founded “Quest Nutrition” and “Impact Theory”…
So, what is their behavior?
It’s the same as yours!…
A tendency to wait until there is a problem that is painful enough that they must take action to alleviate their discomfort in that moment.
Most Chiropractors who join ChiroTrust do so because their dissatisfaction with their current state was so great that they had to do something and very close to that “misery” moment, they received an offer from ChiroTrust.
It’s human nature.
As humans, we are hardwired to respond to danger. To threats to our survival.
Humans live in the moment and deal with what needs to be dealt with…TODAY. Not tomorrow.
It’s the same reason why most people either die broke or with a ridiculously low net worth.
Planning, preparing, or preventing just isn’t how the marketplace functions.
That is precisely why “wellness care” is a hard sell.
There just isn’t a market for it.
Sure, there are some people out there who truly put in the time, energy, and money to benefit their future self. But the vast majority do not, will not, and never will.
Nevertheless, this profession gets its panties in bunch over the thought of solely positioning itself as a solution for neck and back pain RELIEF.
Because it makes it harder to attract students to Chiropractic colleges or clients towards consultants!
- Emotions
- Passion
- Inaccurate Thinking
All 3 make great targets for this industry to exploit D.C.s because they’re the primary motivators and triggers for many Chiropractors.
…But that’s not what motivates patients to take action today!
Like it or not…
Pain Motivates.
ChiroTrust leverages behavior…both yours and your patients so that both can bring value to each other’s lives.
As business owners, we must accept the market as it is…not as you or me would like it to be.
The real world.
Not the fantasy world.
Not the “should be” world.
The real world.
The good news is that this is how to attract and keep customers! It’s not bad. It’s not sad.
Be glad that there is a growing community of ChiroTrust members all over the country and in Canada who leverage human behavior and help more people through Chiropractic than ever before.
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