In my life, I have prioritized purpose and meaning over fun and happiness.
Few things matter more to me than getting meaningful things done each day. Fun for fun’s sake does not.
Good habits help.
Currently, here are mine…
Bed early, up early. 9 pm, 5 am (or earlier). I must get the most important work done first.
First meal late, last meal early. 12 pm, 6 pm. 24-hour fast as often as possible. I rarely eat out. Tons of supplements. Lab work twice a year.
Workout 7 days a week. I alternate push-pull days (, walk-hike daily, or 12-20 total sets of something, even if I have to spread it throughout the day.
Interact with someone with similar goals, values, and temperament for at least a few hours, once a week.
Constant edit mode. What can I remove from my life? Multiplication through subtraction is my mantra.
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