Making money is a byproduct of managing it properly and knowing how to spend it, when to spend it, and what to spend it on.
Making money is more about spending it than it is hoarding it.
Hoarding money doesn’t make money. It merely stunts its growth.
Most Chiropractors spend little time and thought on where their money goes and seem to prefer to spend it on their personal life… not their practice.
Spending on the practice is more than just paying bills. It’s knowing how to reinvest it into the practice to compress time.
Compressing time is how money is made.
Getting the most out of yourself, your team, and ChiroTrust PER HOUR.
All this starts with knowing how much is coming in and where it’s going each and every month.
Bank statements, credit card statements, and “cash basis” P & L reports need to be reviewed every 30 days.
Not online.
Printouts in file folders that are easily and quickly available at your disposal.
I love spending money ON my business, even more than extracting money from it.
It’s the fastest way money is made.
Managing money requires discipline, accurate thinking, and consistent attention without fear, emotion, or attachment.
If you need help with this, then reply back with questions about it.
I’ve experienced everything that you can imagine regarding money.
I know what it takes to profit and prevail.
It begins with not be so attached and affected by the past, present, or future regarding money and how you think and speak about it.
Once you get that in control, managing it and making it becomes a breeze.
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