Too many small businesses fly blind. Chiropractic practices are no different.
No vision.
Easily distracted.
Paralyzed with fear.
They think that more customers (and money) is the solution to all their problems, both personal and professional.
Ask them questions like…
- Do you ever plan on retiring? If yes, why? Are your reasons reasonable or merely excuses?
- If you don’t plan on retiring, do you really need to worry or work so much now?
- Are you a slave to anything or anyone… and how’s that working for you?
- What do you really want?
Many times, more money isn’t even the solution…and it’s definitely not the quickest and easiest path to what is best for you.
You’ve heard the saying, “You can never work out a bad diet”?
Well more worry, more work, and more money can’t fix a bad plan.
What do you really want?
I bet if you think hard about it, it has to do with more time off, more relaxation, more time in nature, less stress, etc.
All stuff that doesn’t necessarily require money.
Focus on what you want.
The money will come and you’ll need less of it.
…Because happiness and contentment will show up first.
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