There are some markets you shouldn’t push.
Here are just a few…
- Dental
- Veterinary
- Non-Fast Food Restaurants
- Cardiology
- Chiropractic
I can mention dozens of others but do you recognize the commonality already?
They are common service-related businesses.
- They are clearly service related.
- They all also fall in the “local business” category.
- They are relatively low tech and unlike new industries and product categories, they evolve slowly.
The customers, the market… cannot be pushed.
What do I mean by “push”? …
Heavily advertising to, especially with bold, loud, or discounted / free offers.
Trying to “succeed” fast.
Appearing desperate.
In these markets, in order to succeed, you must grow the business over time keeping all these variables in mind:
- Quality
- Consistency
- Cleanliness
- Safety
- Familiarity
- Reputation
- Relatableness
- Timeliness
- Communication
- Appropriate and subtle marketing
The value must do the talking.
At any given time, the market demand is finite.
You cannot create it.
Educating or explaining doesn’t work well.
Customers, clients, and patients cannot be pushed into a buying decision.
They must already want it.
All you can do is strive to be the best, be convenient, be easy to consume, and maintain the relationship before, during, and after each transaction… with appropriate and subtle marketing and communication.
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