During this time of year, as things slow down and you spend more time indoors, it’s not unusual to feel a bit lazy.
So how do you enjoy the vibe of the season and still get things done?
Ask yourself these 3 questions:
1. What should I be doing?
2. Why should I be doing it?
3. How can I get others to do it for me?
Chances are, you are already doing what you want, so don’t feel bad that you aren’t doing what you don’t want to do. That is normal. That is okay. It should be that way.
Never forget this…
Other than doing what you love, doing what you’re good at, and doing what others value, creating work for others can be your most productive and lucrative activity.
Remember, the things you DON’T want to do can often be more important, valuable, and profitable than the things that you DO want to do.
So spend some “Time to Think” about these things.
…Ideally at the next Committee Meeting!
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