As “Investopedia” defines it, a commodity is…
“A basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other goods of the same type….little differentiation between a commodity coming from one producer and the same commodity from another producer.”
In most markets and in most offices, Chiropractic IS just a commodity. However, in your office, it doesn’t have to be that way.
When you become the product…
When your integrity becomes the product…
When you take “The ChiroTrust Pledge”…
You no longer are a commodity. You are no longer interchangeable with all the Chiropractic offices around yours.
Now, my friend, you become the answer to the question…
“Why should I go to you versus the Chiropractic office closest to my work, closest to my home, or an office that charges less than you?”
So what makes most Chiropractors interchangeable and most offices a commodity?
- The use of modalities.
- Pushing a paradigm, a position, a procedure.
- Typical long-term or never-ending care recommendations.
- A pattern of giving insurance patients more care.
- Ignoring patients who are no longer coming in.
To stand out, your patients need to see and experience things that surprise them—things about YOU that they didn’t expect but impressed them.
You need to assume that all patients come in skeptical and looking for a reason to never come back.
The marketplace does not care about you or me.
The marketplace is not forgiving.
The marketplace does not value commodities.
Be brave. Stand out. Be what the marketplace wants you to be.
Don’t worry about being understood. Instead, understand the marketplace.
You will sleep better at night.
You will have a practice that is simple and easy to operate.
You will have a practice full of patients that come back and refer others.
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