If I opened a practice from scratch in a town where I had no family, friends, or any contacts, and I had to get some people in the doors, here’s what I would do…
Go on Groupon and search for “chiropractic” offers in your town. On the results page, click “Popularity” and select “Top Seller”. Click on the top results and you can see which offers have sold the most for those businesses. Repeat this for nearby towns.
Then, take the bestselling offer and model your ad/offer to it as closely as possible (without directly copying it) and run it on Facebook.
Because that ad has ALREADY BEEN SHOWN to attract customers and there’s a good chance it will work in a different media like Facebook.
Of course, the ad will attract a lot of tire kickers but it could be a decent way to build a list while attracting a few good patients. It’s not a great strategy but it’s not a terrible strategy either.
But NOTHING, NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING can match a well-seasoned list of previous happy customers who receive frequent and valuable content both online (daily) and offline (twice a month or more).
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