Humility is commonly defined as a modest or low view of one’s own importance.
Not a common aspiration these days.
Celebrities, song lyrics, and social media all glorify the art of making one’s self the center of the universe.
I’ve been around tons of millionaires and a handful of billionaires.
I’ve observed what creates success and why people crash and burn, and without a doubt, humility breeds sustainability.
Those who have been able to put others before themselves, who display gratitude, appreciation, and thankfulness daily, and who downplay their own skills and accomplishments not only get and maintain respect of others, but they seem to attract luck, the right people, and good things into their lives.
They are calm, present, and fiercely productive.
So when you are around the peacocks, the braggarts, don’t be fooled because “that” doesn’t create success. It only creates envy and jealousy—fool’s gold.
Creating the impression of success and happiness is a lot easier but far less fulfilling than achieving and maintaining it.
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