I’m an old man.
I’ll be 60 in close to two and a half years.
Maybe 60 isn’t old but based on how many years I’ve been self-employed, sometimes it feels like eternity.
I haven’t let up.
I’ve been hustling since I was 14.
But it wasn’t until the age of 35 when everything changed.
I discovered direct response marketing and all that it encompassed at that time:
human psychology
the math of testing
order forms
upsells, downsells
front end, back end
lifetime value
accurate thinking
…I can go on and on.
So, what have I learned?
The expert marketer and business owner should evolve.
What I used to do back in the day was a necessary part of my growth.
I said “Yes” to almost everything.
I was more emotional about business.
Now, I am far less emotional about business and I say “No” as much as I say “Yes”—if not more often.
These days, what I say Yes/No to comes from a place of certainty, clarity, and self-awareness that is the result of over 50,000 hours of learning, thinking, and doing.
What I “sold” to Chiropractors way back when was a reflection of what I then thought was possible and was required.
That is why I worked so hard, sold so many products and services simultaneously… and so did my customers.
Fast forward to today. ChiroTrust—my prize possession and a byproduct of my experience, knowledge, and wisdom —is what I like to think.
Less “stats”
More “value”
Less “selling”
More “being”
And for me and my members, a whole lot less work.
And that’s what today’s “Time To Think” was supposed to be about before I went on a tangent.
I am not afraid of hard work. I still work hard.
But now I primarily do what I am the best at for ChiroTrust (and for you) and delegate, outsource, and automate the rest.
It’s a never ending process, but without the awareness of it, I’d still be stuffing envelopes, licking stamps, and creating marketing designed to sell.
I now market without selling and so can you.
To me that is the best marketing there is.
People don’t like to be sold.
But they do like to buy.
All we have to do is get out of our own way and give ’em what they want.
…And other than adjusting, be as “hands off” as possible.
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