ChiroTrust is a utility company. What we do and provide for each member doesn’t vary from member to member like Chiropractic can from office to office.
Just like the most products and services available in the marketplace, what Chiropractic is, how it is provided, the provider, and patient experience differs from office to office.
- Practice names
- Clinical outcomes
- Managerial, time management, and people skills
- Personalities
- Likability
- Professionalism
- The Patient experience
- Pricing, processes, perceptions
…just some of the many variables that affect practice stability, sustainability, and financial success.
So rather than ask yourself “What more and what else should I be doing?”, take a slow and hard look at what you are already doing because odds are, there is room for improvement.
How well you do things
will always beat
how many things that you do.
…unless you can do many things well but that would make you a unicorn!
Very few business owners, including myself, do many things well.
That’s why doing the right things right is all that matters and all that it takes to succeed.
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