Want to slow down, simplify, and speed up and sustain success?
Do less longer.
Figure out what matters and is meaningful and then eliminate everything else.
For me, it starts in the physical world. I’m a visual person. If I can see it, it is either energizing or draining me. For me, the less that I own that requires management and maintenance, the better.
I used to own three bikes and now I own none. Instead I walk.
I used to have a ton of exercise equipment and now I use only a few things that require virtually no space.
…and I just sold some rental properties. I have one more left to go and it should be gone by September.
How do you know what matters, is meaningful, or what you might want to get rid of?
When you are mad at someone or are pretty stressed out, what do you do, where do you go, and with whom do you spend time?
If it’s positive, do it more often. It’s good for you.
If it is destructive, just stop it.
The key is to eliminate what wastes time, money, and mental/physical energy from your life and that will allow you to be able to do less longer.
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