I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of responsibilities and demands on me and my time… daily.
As a result, I need support… daily.
That is why each day, I spend some time with a friend or two—even if it’s just for a few minutes.
It helps me to air things out with those whom I trust and respect.
That way, I can be the best I can be to myself and for others, which also has been a big part of my business success.
In Chiropractic, there are so many questions that come up.
The profession has a way of affecting our personal lives and vice versa.
ChiroTrust members do a better job with this than most. They have a secret Facebook Group to go to daily, if needed, to work on themselves and/or their practices.
As the founder of ChiroTrust, I do everything I can to spread support to, for, and among our members so that we all can help each other out because I think that Chiropractors can do more than just help their patients.
We are a special profession.
We can and should do more to help each other too.
It’s one of the most powerful practice building strategies that I know and a big part of what makes ChiroTrust and its members so special and effective.
I wish you were a member.
You have no idea what you’re missing. 🙁
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