Do you miss “the good ‘ole days of Chiropractic?”
Wish insurance paid like it used to?
Don’t waste your time.
Nowadays, you must possess actual clinical, business, and marketing skills to succeed. (Unlike yesteryear when the reason why most D.C.s succeeded was because of favorable market conditions more than anything else.)
Every industry goes through this same cycle…
Growth, stagnation, decline. (Unless the industry successfully evolves—something most D.C.s have a struggle accepting.)
That’s why most Chiropractors can’t succeed today. They just don’t have what it takes.
Actually, they never did.
Back in the “Good old days”, all you had to do to succeed was scare patients into compliance.
And back then, there was less resistance. Patients also had good insurance coverage.
Nowadays, consumers expect to be treated with respect.
They don’t trust Doctors like they used to (and rightfully so).
Success in virtually any business category is much more difficult today than 5-10+ years ago.
…and that’s a good thing!
Consumers and patients get a better product.
And for D.C.s nowadays, it can actually be easier to build a practice and stay on top.
Because most Chiros aren’t willing to be and do what it takes.
The past spoiled them.
So in reality, today you have LESS—not more—competition.
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