Ben Altadonna: New Patients and Attention To Detail
Walt Disney’s employees were constantly told to “Clean Clean Windows.”
Basically, don’t wait ‘til something needed to be done. Rather, handle it before anyone notices.
It reminds me of a sign I recently saw in a restaurant’s restroom.
It was so bad, I had to take a picture of it. ( I know, I’m a crazy man! )
Here it is…
Cody’s!.. It’s not the customer’s job to monitor the cleanliness of the bathroom and then track down an employee to alert them if they need attention.
If they have a cleanliness problem, have an employee walk in and check out the bathroom every 15 minutes for crying out loud!
It makes you wonder what needs attention in the kitchen!
That’s just one example.
Back to you…
How do you look?
How does your office look?
Are your patients experiencing service inconsistencies?
Do you live up to your word?
Has virtually every situation and scenario been discussed in advance with systems and procedures already in place to handle them?
Attention to detail is a must.
It’s like going on a job interview wearing one dark blue sock and one black sock…it reveals everything.
Trust me, your patients are looking for that dark blue sock in YOUR business!
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