Ben Altadonna Series: Question #3 of 5:
“What Should I/YOU
Eliminate, Delegate, or Automate?”
Your most valuable resource is your time.
Therefore, anything that you can do to save time, leverage time, or “buy time” would be worth doing.
That’s why the question “What Should I eliminate, delegate, or automate?” is so valuable.
I run virtually everything I do through this mental filter.
It’s engrained in me to be and think this way.
Most Chiropractors, most people, don’t think this way.
They waste time. It’s pathetic.
Although I will never get there, I strive towards a point where I virtually do nothing, that everything is done for me including the thinking, the managing, and the implementing.
Like I said, I will never get there. I work like a dog…but it’s a good “ideal” to strive for because in the process and while we are working, you and I become more and more productive doing the right type of thinking, managing, and implementing.
Related posts:
Ben Altadonnaa: 5 Questions That I Often Ask Myself (1&2)
Ben Altadonna: 5 Questions That I Often Ask Myself (4&5)
*If you are a chiropractor and need help with chiropractic marketing strategies, getting new patients and communicating with your existing ones you should pick up a copy of “Are Chiropractors Being Brainwashed?” For YOUR free copy, see below.
Even if chiropractic marketing strategies is not your thing, this latest book exposes why most practice building tactics don’t work and what you, your staff, and/or your associate doctor can do about it QUICKLY, PREDICTABLY, AND WITH LITTLE TO NO EXPENSE.
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