Chiros complain about the patients who expect instant results.
• Instant pain relief
• Instant mobility
• Instant function
Impossible, right?
Chiropractors are no different.
Many think there MUST be a way to fix their practice overnight.
Because patients and DCs have at least one thing in common…
They’re human.
Humans expect that there is a way to get what they want… right now.
So what is your job?
What is my job?
The same…
Aim for magic.
Do everything that you can to SHORTEN everything:
• How long it takes to get an appointment.
• What they fill out.
• How long they wait.
Consider what you say, what you do, and how you do it.
Make it your superpower.
It’s how magic is made for them and for you.
Believe me, it works.
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