You’ve heard that line before. Whatever you put your mind to you can accomplish.
I believe that’s true and I believe that you do too.
Since most people want more—more health, more savings, more free time, more time with family and with things that we love—then the question becomes:
Why don’t we put our “mind to”
what we want more often?
In my experience, it’s a matter of the people we associate with.
Something magical occurs when you surround yourself with like-minded people who practice a growth mindset…
- declarations are made
- disciplines are maintained
- words are kept
- healthy competition is created
- sharing, support, strength
Owning a business is a lonely endeavor. A lot of people depend on us to perform.
Only a business owner understands all this.
What are you going to put your mind to?
Who’s your peeps?
It’s almost impossible to do it alone.
So don’t.
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