In Chiropractic… companies, fad services, and gimmicks come and go.
They’re fueled by greed, fancy videos, presentations, and proof of big money fast.
I’m sure you are seeing all the Facebook ads and videos.
All of these non-Chiropractic services, biz models, and Ken and Barbies come and go. They always do, they always will, and they always should.
Motivated by money.
Borderline or blatantly illegal.
Just because companies, vendors, and consultants exist…
Just because some docs have extracted thousands from patients in just a few weeks…
Just because you think you deserve more…
Doesn’t mean or prove anything.
History does.
Everything superficial shines.
Instead, make YOU the product: YOUR Integrity, YOUR consistency, and YOUR reliability…over time. Success comes from doing one thing really well. No need to sell out and become something you are not and Chiropractic is not.
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