My father used to say: “You can only eat one steak at a time.”
Okay It was his way of saying that enough is enough, that excess isn’t necessarily necessary.
Same goes for treating patients.
YOU can only treat
one patient at a time.
Sure, you can line up roller tables in an open layout or have multiple patients on therapies but why would you want to do that?
To “make” more money?
This always backfires and chokes off returning and referring patients.
It diminishes perceived value, your uniqueness, and the sanctity of what you do.
Too many D.C.s have too much office space.
Too much equipment.
Too much patient “education”.
Too much staff.
“Too much” is more common
in Chiropractic than not enough.
Too much decreases demand.
Too much causes complexity, skepticism, and disinterest.
Too much gives the appearance of lack of confidence.
Be good at one thing.
One patient at a time.
What can you
reduce or eliminate?
It’s worth thinking about.
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