“Deep” creates concentration.
“Wide” creates dilution and distraction.
“Deep” is knowing enough to be successful and happy.
“Wide” is the un-useful knowledge that makes a mind merely busy.
“Deep” is knowing who your market is.
“Wide” is thinking everybody is your market.
“Deep” is being really good at a just a few things.
“Wide” is being average (at best) in all that you do.
“Deep” is relational, consistent, and focused.
“Wide” is transactional, intermittent, and to the masses.
“Deep” is boring and effective.
“Wide” is exciting and risky.
“Deep” is multiplication through subtraction.
“Wide” is dilution through addition.
“Deep” is calm.
“Wide” is turbulent.
“Deep” is when you know yourself.
“Wide” is when you know others.
“Deep” is blue ocean, no competition.
“Wide” is red ocean, a commodity.
“Deep” is being in shape.
“Wide” is knowing all the “hows” to be in shape.
“Deep” is investing and producing.
“Wide” is expending and consuming.
“Deep” is less is more.
“Wide” is more is never enough.
“Deep” is simple.
“Wide” is complex.
“Deep” has roots and staying power.
“Wide” is needy and unstable.
Whatever you do or think about, ask yourself…
“Is this deep or wide?”
Success is not in the superficial, the fake, or the facade.
It’s in the utilization of just a few timeless traits and skill sets that are noticed, wanted, and valued by others.
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