Some of you know this…
I’ve fought for Chiropractors and Chiropractic. I have the checks to prove it.
I lost Sandi and my mom to Cancer.
Relatively recently, my Uncle died unexpectedly during an elective surgery. We were very close. His son is also a Chiropractor.
Aside from my dad approaching 90 and dealing with some health stuff, life right now is pretty okay…
- ChiroTrust is secure, solid, and successfully adding value to practices and patients all over the country and Canada.
- My energy, zest for life, and health is strong. I will never retire.
- Taylor and Makiah are thriving.
But life isn’t easy. Never has been. Never will be. Never should be.
My challenges guide me to the next thought, next thing, next step.
Everything good in my life is a result of and reaction to a challenge of some sort.
Each challenge is overcome with a “What’s next?” state of mind.
Sure, I’ve shed some tears. Those who know me know that tears come easy for me. Not ashamed and not sure why.
So if you are going through a challenge…
Embrace it. Work through it.
It’s the only way to grow.
Be grateful for all your challenges, even the horrific ones.
Because that’s reality.
Everything else is an illusion.
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