“How do you know whether you are using your words to practice the law of attraction vs. living in a state of delusion? Is that question in and of itself the problem? I’m asking because I want to be positive, optimistic, and worry-free toward myself and to others, but I get discouraged and think I’m creating false hope for myself when I don’t see growth in my practice.”
“Hi Ben. Please explain to me the options for having my phones answered live after hours and which option you feel is best. Peace.”
Good day friend, good day two questions or emails came in to me and I enjoy doing these. I hope you enjoy listening to them. I read them live real time, uh, for the first time. So I don’t contemplate prepare or take notes. I’m not bragging by the way I answer it’s obvious, but, uh, I want to keep it real and authentic and honest. Honest is most important to me. First question comes from newly wed. Dr. Will. Um, great, great guy. Happy guy. Met his brother in Hawaii one day. His brother just happened to be working there. What’s the odds. Brother’s a great guy too. Uh, well, all right, let’s get at it here. He goes, will says, how do you know whether you are using your words? Oh, first of all, I had a little, I have to say this. Um, I’m uh, as you guys know, I’m crazy, I’m odd, but I’m, uh, I’m really a focused ritualistic structured human.
My dad’s like this, my mom, my mom’s from Croatia. My dad’s from Italy, hardworking families on my mom’s side from San Francisco, my dad’s side from Brooklyn, New York when I’m there. They’re first-generation I’m second. But, uh, I, uh, um, I was very blessed, um, uh, from, uh, uh, uh, from day one. So, uh, but I wasn’t raised rich. I had to work for everything I have had. I’ve lived in my office. I was broke. I didn’t make money till I was like 33 years old. Uh, when I got out of chiropractic college, when I was 30, I was a dental lab technician before a chiropractor. I made dentures, I made partial plates. I made retainers, I made PFMs. I made gold crowns, uh, uh, dentures. I say dentures, those were fun. Um, so, uh, anyhow, and I’ve read a lot of books. I’ve, I’ve lived a lot of life.
I I’ve, I’ve suffered, I’ve succeeded. Um, I’ve prevailed, uh, and I’m still at it. You know what, I’m 60. So, um, I can learn from each and every one of you. Um, so I, I, uh, I don’t take myself too seriously or what I do too seriously. I just hope that for what I charge our members, they get, um, more than that in value. That’s all I can do. Um, so I just want you to know my intentions are, are honorable. Um, okay. So let’s get back to my dear friend. How do you know whether you are using your words to practice the law of attraction? Um, I think my thoughts are okay. I’m okay. Let’s all right now
In law of attraction and it’s kind of like a mystical thing, and I believe that, um, there’s levels of laws of attraction that go from real to BS. So I’ll stay within the answer to this within the context of what I believe is real versus like, uh, you know, just way out there BS. Um, uh, so, so when I answered this, you know, don’t roll your eyes. I’m with you, the law of attraction. I mean, there is, but I’ll tell you I’ll, I’ll, I’ll comment on what I believe is super strong and real. Okay. So how do you know whether you I’ll stop interrupting myself? Sorry. How do you know whether you are using your words to practice the law of attraction versus living in a state of delusion? Is that question in itself? The problem I’m asking, because I want to be positive you very, I think you are will, but okay.
Optimistic and worry free towards, toward myself and to others, but I get discouraged and think I’m creating false hope for myself when I don’t see growth in my practice. Okay. So will you basically are saying two things here? My man one is kind of a hypothetical and, uh, and, um, broad and the, and, and towards the end of your paragraph, you’re getting real. Cause I want this to be about you and what, what prompted this question and what’s going on. So I’m going to try to do my best to hit both the, the, uh, you know, just the, the general, which I don’t think will help you. And then, uh, I need more information. So please come back at me, um, on what’s going on B C, cause you said I’m asking because, so like the first part before I’m asking, because, um, may, may not even be worth even getting into, it might not be relevant to what’s going on.
Cause I’m here to serve you. Well, I’m asking because I want to be positive, optimistic, and worry-free towards myself and to others, but I get discouraged. Okay, here it goes. This is where this is. This is the meat on the bone right here. I get discouraged and think I’m creating false hope for myself when I don’t see growth in my practice. Okay. So this is about growth in your practice. Is that what this is about? Well, it sounds like it’s about growth in your practice. So, um, I’ll, I’ll, I will answer the question will in the context of growing your practice as it relates, not only to attitude or, or, uh, um, what you call, um, being positive, but also practice practically practicality, because I know that when I’m, when I know that if I’m running on all cylinders on a Workday, like, um, like on paper, it looks like I’m productive.
Like I, you know, I checked the boxes and get everything done, but, but if I have a bad attitude, which it happens, you know, you guys know me, I can get really, like, I could be an to myself even. Um, uh, then, uh, the world reflects back to me, you know, w w w what, what I’m focusing on. So if I’m negative, I get negative for sure. Uh, so let’s get into it. All right. So we’ll, I think you need, uh, uh, we all do, in my opinion, I don’t know. I’m not a scientist. I don’t know if this could be quantified or qualified, but, um, I believe will that knowing you as an observer of you will, and don’t take this personally because you know that you’re my man, but, um, I believe that you are, uh, I’m gonna, I’m gonna be real with you will.
I don’t know if you’ll ever talk to me again, bro, but I’m going to be real with you right now. I think you’re too top heavy on positive a little bit, and I may be wrong. I’m talking about the context of business on weekends, dude. I want to hang with you, you with me, like, you’re my man. Like you, you are, you are like a happy dog. You’re like a beagle. If you were a dog, you’d be like a beagle me. I’d probably be more like, um, I don’t know, maybe a Doberman pincher or something. Um, so I think, I think we’ll, if I’m going to be real with you, like I have to, like, if it’s in my head, I got to say it will, and I may be wrong. I may be way off base right now, but for whatever it’s worth, it’s my perception.
And, and, and, uh, if the shoe fits wear it, if not throw it out, all right, we’re just plant. Um, I think you’re top heavy on, uh, on the positive. Um, I think, but cause, cause you’re telling me that you want to grow your practice more. Okay. And that doesn’t tell me that doesn’t mean no, no, nobody should mean that will, this should not imply. That will is struggling. Okay. Everybody wants to grow their practice more. For the most part, I want to grow Cairo trust faster that I’m growing it and I’m growing it pretty good, but I still hell yeah, life is short. I’m 60, man. I want to keep this puppy going. I want to do more for my friends and family. I like, I don’t spend hardly any money on me except keeping my van running. Um, I help a lot of people, man.
I mean, I write a lot of checks, uh, um, you know, college tuition for nieces and nephews and uh, uh, uh, uh, what else they charge these colleges room and board, uh, uh, giving away vehicles. I mean, I do. You know what I mean? And that’s, I love it. That’s what I, why I do all this. I don’t do it for me. I need nothing, man. Like part of the way to win is not need anything. Then you don’t take things seriously. So that’s part of my probably superpower or my success secret is deep down. I got this little voice in my head going, you know what? I don’t need any of this. Just give me a fly rod and a one-way ticket to Bozeman Montana, and I’ll make, I’ll make it. I’ll make a go man. I’ll rent out a room somewhere for $400 a month and I’ll fly fish all day long.
I’ll be happy as a clam. I don’t need any of this dog and pony show to be happy. I’m doing it because I think life is not about happiness. I think life primarily is about, uh, uh, using your, your, your, your God given skills and abilities and talents to make this world a better place or help others or both. So, uh, yeah, to me, it’s all a board game. Like the key is, is not taken seriously, but when you’re doing it, you’re in it to win it. So like I can shut off and on my intensity when it comes to productivity, just like that, I don’t need days and days on vacation to just to unwind so I can finally feel relaxed and take that deep breath. Then it’s like the moment I’m on the way to the airport on my happy guy. Like, I don’t think about work.
I don’t check email or do nothing, but the day that I come back and it’s Monday morning, uh, like game on it’s super bowl Sunday, it’s like get out of my way cause I got to do so I think we’ll, um, I think you got to make sure that whatever work related, I’ll try to stay in practice, whatever work related you do, make sure it’s the right strategy. Okay. For sure. Don’t and everybody listening, this is a big one. Don’t just do the stuff that you like to do, uh, when it comes to, um, either your technique, um, or either what you talk about to your staff or patient rather. I mean, what you talk about your patients, um, how you market your practice. There’s many ways to market. Like I’m not, I don’t like technology. I’ve made way more money with, with, with stamps and, and paper than I ever have with technology.
Like I know how to make, I know how to make a stamp come back at with, uh, and like here’s the, here’s the reason why I like, and most people won’t do it because it’s way too expensive. Right? A lot of people don’t like mail mailers. I love mailers. I know it’s expensive. It’s like three times what it was when I started or four times that probably three times. But just think through it with a stamp, you can get a human to go and bring it to somebody’s house a message that’s fricking awesome. I love that. To me. That’s more magical than email. I just love it. So I’ve made a lot of money with paper and ink and uh, and stamps and envelopes and um, a word like, all I need is a word program. What is it called? Word Microsoft word. So, so will for you, it’s about don’t focus on don’t assignment. Talk about, uh, law of attraction for you will I think for
You it’s time management. I think it’s making sure you’re doing the right thing. Um, making sure if you’re getting, I don’t know what percentage of your new patients are referrals. Hopefully most of them, most of my chiropractors get most or all of their patients from referrals. Like everybody listening, newsflash, if you’re not getting a ton of referrals, you get your, your, your business model is broken for sure. A hundred percent, for sure. It’s broken your business model, your positioning, the S the experience, maybe even the results, uh, maybe what you’re charging, maybe your front desk, but don’t blame your front day. Everybody wants to blame their front desk person. They’re all variables. That’s all. But we always like to look at variables outside ourself and that’s that’s problem. Take blank, take secretly blame yourself and take red credit for everything. That way you feel like you have control that way you put in more action and more thought.
So we’ll for you, bro. And come back at me cause I need more information. I, you need, you need more strategy. Like you need a simple, I think you need to simplify a little bit. I think you need to, uh, uh, make sure the experience when patients are coming in is happy because you’re a happy guy, but, but not too happy you with me. Um, make sure they get a nice balance the way you, the way you, I want you to occur to your customers is a nice balance of, of brains of heart, all the senses, you know, of listening of loving appropriately, you know, just caring, um, complementing, uh, inquiry, inquiring. Everybody wants to talk about themselves, you know? Um, and you’re a likable guy. You’re like a black socially. You’re like a black belt. You know, you are, everybody knows that about you.
Um, um, and then make sure, and I do know you like to have fun, so make sure that you’re living a healthy life. I think you can put more energy in your health, to be honest with you, you see your problem will is you you’re genetically. You’re like, uh, you were born, uh, like perfect. You’re you’re a good looking dude, just to make sure you, you honor, you take care of yourself, the sleep, uh, the nutrition, the exercise. Like I think if, I think if you start doing more exercising and less ingesting of anything that has to do with fun, not fit, not health, uh, your practice is going to grow, like, just because you’re going to, um, internalize your thoughts and energy versus, uh, just bring your body to the party, you know, and not, I don’t mean literally, but maybe a little on the literal.
Um, you got to realize that you’re more than that pretty face of yours. You gotta like take care of yourself. Um, and, uh, and, uh, you know, just take care of stuff. I guess that’s all I have to say about that. So let’s get into the, um, well, let’s get into some practical matters. Um, again, a lot of you know this and I’m gonna say it anyway. Uh, we’ll make sure that patients are leaving. Like you got to impress that patient on the first visit. You have to make sure they get better, but don’t make like some of you, you buy into the kayak trust model so much that you kind of take it exaggerated a little bit. Cause you, you really get it. Like you get me, you get it and you want, you get it. It’s like, this makes total sense. But then you get, go too far, you know, you get them better, get patients better in one visit and you release them.
You cannot, that won’t work. That’s a bad business that won’t work and patients. Uh, so there’s that, there’s that bell curve. You want to get that bell curve and it’s an art and I don’t have the answer for you. Some of my members it’s, everybody’s like twice a week for three, for three weeks. And then if they, and then kick them out, if they’re like 80% better and then tell them if they don’t continue the rest of the 20% of their own, come back in a couple of weeks, you know, everybody has and that’s okay. I think that’s fine. That’s great. If, if it that’s great, but whatever works for you. Okay. But what, but, but I guarantee one visit for every patient. Then kick them out. Doesn’t work nor does 30 visits for everybody at work. So there’s, they, they need to all, it matters that our perception, they need to get better.
They don’t, I don’t think you do this. Well, this is, this is definitely, I don’t believe you. You, you know, a lot of chiropractors, man, uh, patients have insurance, they’re put on ice, they’re put on roller tables, they’re putting on all this stuff that dilutes the perception of value as a commodity and get that anywhere, even get that at home. Um, so, you know, make you and your, your, your car, your adjusting adjustment the product. So, so we’ll go back to fundamentals, I think, is the answer, slow it down. Be present with your patients, uh, be more clinical, possibly like clinical, um, make sure that your content that you like to do videos and stuff, make sure content is, is based on, uh, on, uh, what brings people in. It’s just, it’s real. You guys might not like it, but they’re, they’re motivated by pain.
They’re not motivated by wellness. A stranger, a stranger is not going to come in because they want to, uh, live a better self, you know? And they didn’t want to be subluxation free. No, they, they will only come in. If they have a problem, chiropractors are the same way. You know, they, uh, Jay joined Carter trust because they have a problem or a challenge or an opportunity. It’s not, it’s not like they’re, you know, they’re collecting $2 million a year and saving 800,000 of it. Um, they’re coming in because you know, they’re collecting 15 and their overhead is 12 or they’re collecting 80 grand in their overhead 68. And they just want, they know that there’s a better way and they, and they know that I can help them. So, so, so, so we’ll go back to the basics, go back to the boring, okay. Go back to the basics and the boring, be a little more somber possibly with your patients.
Um, make sure that, you know, they’re staying enough to, to get better based on their terms. Um, and if you do, if you do that and slow it down, like a lot of you like go give, give the whole enchilada at your first visit. Some patients, the perception of value doesn’t mean you have to adjust every frickin joint in their body on day one. You know, I’m not giving you clinical advice, but if I was practicing right now, I would just do like an AP dorsal and be gentle. I want you to touch their neck on day one, then day two. I do maybe a drop work on their low back and the AP and then maybe day three, I would implement get into the neck when they got a lot more trust and rapport with that patient at some sanctity to what you do.
So, and also everybody, most chiropractors, they they’re too quick. Like they’re too quick, like, okay. Lay on your stomach. Okay. Lander side. Okay. Sit up. Okay. Turn your head left. Sure. It’s like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s like, let them give them a moment to hear what you even said so they can be there and participate in the process. All of you would you better? All of you lot, even 99% of you. If you slow it down a little bit, like, like slowed down by like 25 to 50%, slow it down. Add more perceived value to what you do. Add more sanctity to what you do. Okay. So we’ll give me more information. All right, because this is good stuff because, uh, I have a lot of members will that are, uh, a lot less charismatic as you a lot less positive than is you. Uh, and, uh, and, and, and, and a lot less fun to be around than you, uh, that may be doing better than you so financially.
So, um, so just balance out everything, all the, you know, write down what you think, wait, you think you need to do, uh, and what you already are doing and take a look at it and say, is this balanced? Am I putting enough energy in each one of these items? Am I, am I doing it right? Am I consistent? So a journal and, uh, and then focus on your health brother. And, uh, I think things will continue to growing for you. All right. But stay in touch. Um, you’re the man, is there anything I said that upset you? I’m sorry. If there are anything that you need or let me know privately, feel free to email me. Um, other than that, a lot of members know you. You’re, uh, you’re joy.
You really are. All right, brother. Have a great day. I love you, man. All right, Doug. Doug says, hi, Ben. Please explain to me the options. Please explain lane. See, I’m a little hyper. So sometimes I got to read things a couple of times. Please. I’m drinking coffee too, but that’s my, I love drinking coffee in the morning. Just one cup. Um, hi Ben. Please explain to me the options for having my phones answered live after hours. And which option you feel is the best piece. Uh, P E a C E. Right on tag. Let me take a hit here. Hold on.
Well, worded question, Doug. All right. Let’s start with the beginning. The options for having your phones answered live, the options are outsource, delegate, or do it yourself. Wow. That came to me quick. That’s the, that’s the big, big picture. That’s the options. That’s the universe of options delegate, outsource, or do it yourself? Delegate means your staff, family member, a human, anybody. That’s kind of like within your local market or within your office, outsource would be more like a service, like a what’s it called a virtual chiropractic assistant. Um, or do it yourself. Some doctors that join cartridges there, they don’t have a CA they’re just starting out for the phone, your cell phone. So what do I think is best is whoever’s best at it should do it. I know that sounds stupid, but I, I that’s the way I think I start with the obvious and then try to figure out if I can make it work.
Uh you’ve you’ve heard me say, I stole this quote from Dan Sullivan, from strategic coach in Canada, make it up, then make it real. So always start with the ideal and Tom bill, you from quest nutrition. I love his quote and I’m paraphrasing, but he says, if it doesn’t defy physics, then it’s possible. So I’ll start with the big picture answered is which option is the best. Whoever’s the best at answering the phone. Now, another question is no matter who answers the phone, it’s got to be effective. And the way it’s effective mostly is when w when a patient wants to come in, you let them come in whenever they want to come in, because the way we do Cairo trusts you, you can see three new patients at the same time, and they’ll all be more impressed than how most chiropractors do it. So, um, so make sure whoever’s best at it.
You know, whoever has it can build more rapport. Whoever can get the patient scheduled on the books, whoever’s the best at it. So the best would be somebody that’s already doing it during the week. That’s the best. The second best is kind of between, I dunno, I wouldn’t say between, uh, the second would be outsourcing. The third best would be you doing it talk mainly because I don’t want you doing it. Um, but I’m not against you doing it. Uh, but the best is whoever’s the best at it already, or whoever can be trained to be better at who that at it, the best at it. So the best would be in-house. The second best would be, uh, outsource a third best would be you Doug. Now, uh, some outsourcing, it would be better to you do it then outsourcing, but it’s better. The virtual CA will do a better job than you will.
Um, and they’ll do it 24 hours a day. And I don’t think you’ll wake up on your phone rings. So that’s my answer, um, to your question, which was, please explain to me the best options are to me, the options for having my phones answer live after hours, and which option you feel is best. I know that the best is whoever’s best at it. And if, and who knows who should be the best at it, the person already answering your phones. Now, when your office is open, if you don’t think they’re, they’d be the best at it, then you have two issues. One is replacing that person and getting the right person to answer the phones after hours. Hope that helps Doug. If I, if I miss understood your question, uh, or you want to get more granular in Intuit, feel free to reply back right now and I’ll, and I will respond tomorrow.
Okay. Thank you. Will. Thank you, Doug. Thank you all. Um, today is Wednesday. I believe I’m in Carmel today. I have a doctor, a special doctor flying in to spend some time with me. Um, this is his second time and his growth has been phenomenal in his practice. His story is like amazing. And he’s amazing. So, um, I have this little side side thing that I do only for people that want it, because there is a demand for it. I didn’t, I’m not forcing this down people’s throat. There’s just a demand for it. So I do it. Um, I’m talking about the clarity house and I have a little information about it, not a lot@wwwdotthecarmelclarityhouse.com. All right. See you guys tomorrow. Have a great day.
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