Most Chiropractors have supportive spouses but sometimes spouses can take away your confidence.
It is not their fault because there is a reason for this… and that reason is you.
See, when you figuratively take work home with you by complaining about the C.A. who quit, the new patient who did not show up, or the money that is not coming in, your spouse get stressed because they feel that the situation is out of their control and maybe even out of yours.
Fast forward months or even years and they become what I call “Solution Skeptical”.
They lose hope and maybe even confidence in your ability to ever improve the condition.
Again, it is not their fault.
So, what is the solution?
Well, it starts with not taking work home with you.
Your spouse (in my opinion) married you, not your practice.
In my opinion, work should stay at work and rarely be discussed at home… especially any worries, challenges, or problems.
When you can find and fix problems on your own, your spouse feels safe and secure.
When you come home sounding worried, scared, or defeated, then they lose confidence in you. Period.
That loss of confidence will rub you the wrong way, rub off on you, and compound the lack of confidence that you might already feel.
What happens next is the most damaging of all…
You become indecisive.
Your indecisiveness repels solutions.
So how do you turn this around?
You start with a change of attitude and what you say to yourself and to others—especially your spouse.
You’ve heard the saying, “What you focus on grows.”
Change your focus. Focus on what you want and where you want to go with your practice.
Then get help but not from your spouse.
Try it.
Talk to people in Chiropractic whom you respect and who have created what you haven’t (just yet).
They can and will help you.
Your spouse can and will believe in you if you believe in yourself first… and if you follow through with your thoughts, words, and actions.
This is all good news!
This means that you have the control.
Control is a byproduct of responsibility.
The more responsibility that you take, the more control you will have.
If this resonates with you, then consider asking more questions by replying to my daily audios. If you are a member of The Committee and you want to know what other members think, then post there… and if you want to go deep into this and more, come to Carmel.
You have the power!
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