In the old days, do you remember going to seminars and hearing attendees brag about a large “PVA” while receiving standing ovations and looks of envy from the other docs in the room?
You remember PVA, don’t you?
“Patient Visit Average” or how many visits you can get a patient to stay for. Too many D.C.s back then and still today truly believe that the higher that PVA number is, the better.
For example, if you can get a patient to come in 3 times a week for a year, then you are a rock star and if you can’t keep them for even 10 visits, then you are a loser.
I say hogwash.
Here’s why…
In most cases, it is not ethical. It’s absolutely not what the market wants and it has turned more people off than on to Chiropractic.
High case fee clinics can’t rely on referrals. They need to spend a lot of time and money marketing, consults, exams, and “report of findings” and continually trying to convince their patients that they made the right decision.
A new patient can easily take 45-60 minutes to process and that’s just on the first visit.
Then their patients must return for a “report of findings” that’s typically designed and scripted to “scare into care”.
That’s another 30 minutes (at least).
These types of doctors and practices also like to get paid up front for their program of care.
The problem is that as their patients’ symptoms subside, so does their patients’ desire to continue coming in.
Resentment and remorse set in.
So the D.C.s and their staff have to continually sell the value of coming back over and over.
It burns out the Docs, their staff, and their patients and market.
A Better Way To Go…
Rather than seeing a patient for 3,8,9,12 months or more packaged in a paradigm, process, or plan, you can see just as many visits per week doing the complete opposite!
It is not unusual for ChiroTrust members to totally reinvent their practices in 90 days or less with less stress and brain-damage on themselves, their staff, and their patients.
When you get patients out of pain and out of your office as quickly as possible…guess what…THEY COME BACK FOR YEARS. THEY REFER OTHERS. THEY STICK WITH YOU…PROVIDED THAT YOU MAINTAIN THE RELATIONSHIP. (JUST LIKE A REAL RELATIONSHIP)
The key is maintaining communication by providing value daily (like I do for you, I think), regardless of if they are giving you money or not.
Money is a byproduct of creating and maintaining TRUST over time.
Also, when you don’t have to sell, defend, or over “educate”, you can see a new patient pretty quickly.
No need for a “consult room”.
No need to do any unnecessary procedures to build your case against them.
Often, a consult, exam, and treatment can be done on the first day, in the same room, and without films.
No cluster booking of new patients, report of findings, adjusting, etc.
Seeing 50 new patients in a day isn’t much more difficult than 50 typical visits.
When you give patients what they want, everything becomes easier and much more effective.
…and “new patients” problems are a thing of the past.
They just show up, every day, all day.
With ChiroTrust, you have the marketing and the support from other members to give you the confidence that not only does ChiroTrust truly “work”, but that YOU can do it TOO!
So stop worrying about getting patients better too fast.
Just give them what THEY want:
To get out of pain and out of your office as quickly as possible!
Correcting patients’ spines would be great if you didn’t forever lose 90% of them.
Time to embrace the real world, don’t you think?
Keeping ‘em sure beats always replacing ‘em.
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