Did you learn any of these in school or from a consultant?
- Call new patients to remind them of their appointment.
- Call all “no shows”.
- Call “old” patients to “update their files”.
- Call every new patient the night of their first adjustment.
Or how about these?
- Don’t adjust on “day 1”.
- Do a “Patient Appreciation Day” once a year.
- Do a weekly “Spinal Care Class”.
- Have a room dedicated to your “Report of Findings”.
And these?
- Do a “Report of Findings”.
- Offer “Pre-pay Discounts”.
- Increase your “PVA” (Patient Visit Average).
- If you don’t “educate” your patients, your practice won’t grow.
If you’ve been in practice a long time, you probably do fewer of these “Sacred Cows”…all of which are not only unnecessary, but can be extremely damaging to your business.
Patients may perceive them as pushy or desperate, regardless of your intentions.
Before the Internet, it was easier to build a practice:
- Patients had better insurance coverage.
- Consumers were more trusting.
- Fewer options were available.
Just take a hard look at everything you do then ask yourself…
“What in office policies, procedures, and processes am I still doing that might be damaging and/or can be eliminated?”
Less is more.
Less increases demand.
Less is easier on them and on you.
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