Want to know a strategy that attracts patients, keeps patients, and frustrates the heck out of your competition?
Going negative means that you are not only willing to lose money on day 1 to attract a patient but you are willing to wait even longer before you turn a profit on them.
For example, it may be 4-6 months before I turn a profit on a new ChiroTrust member, which is something that my “competition” is not able or willing to do.
Going negative doesn’t mean that you should offer free or discounted services.
In the context of Chiropractic, going negative is more a state of mind, an attitude, and a way of being—meaning, you are patient. You don’t concern yourself with how many times each patient comes in or how much you can get from insurance companies.
You concern yourself with quality care and doing and being different than most D.C.s.
You don’t give your patients any reason to think that money is more important than their results and your reputation.
You let them go and like a boomerang, they come back.
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