Do you know how hard it is for most businesses to get the email addresses of their customers?
Extremely difficult.
But not for Chiropractors and Members of ChiroTrust know how to use email to build their practices.
Do you know how slim the profit margins are for most small businesses?
Pretty skinny.
But not for ChiroTrust Doctors—many have 60% profit or more.
Do you know how tough it is for most businesses to close their doors every Friday through Sunday?
ChiroTrust Chiropractors can and do, each and every week.
How many small brick and mortar businesses have a lot of employees?
Members of ChiroTrust can easily swing it with one.
How many small businesses must buy and stock inventory?
Chiropractors don’t and members of ChiroTrust can easily afford to avoid the temptation.
Many people work in tough conditions.
I don’t know one Chiropractor who does unless they are working for one. 🙂
Millions of people are forced to endure painfully long commutes to work each day.
Chiropractors aren’t among them and a lot of ChiroTrust members choose to practice close to home.
Most people’s paycheck amounts are fixed.
A Chiropractors’ income potential is only limited by his or her stubbornness.
The average “Joe Blow” doesn’t have a clue how to get and stay healthy.
Chiropractors do. (Although due to stress, many aren’t.)
Most Chiropractors feel alone and helpless.
ChiroTrust doctors stick together and refer patients to each other.
Life is tough for everyone but
Members of ChiroTrust have a lot
less things to worry about.
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