Do you know what the top 3 practice killers are?
I do.
Here they are…
“I can’t afford to do that.”
“It should have worked by now.”
“Just because it works for others
doesn’t mean that it will work for me.”
The cause?
I’ve been patiently doing what I teach for over 20 years.
I’ve spent more money than anyone in Chiropractic to build my list, communicate to my list, and invest in my business and myself.
I’ve had more professional challenges than you could ever imagine.
My patience and commitment to stay the course have set me and thousands of D.C.s free.
Just the other day, I found out that a friend of mine (who is also a member) stopped snail mailing his list after only a month or two.
You see how I build and run ChiroTrust.
You have access to virtually everything I write, email, and snail mail out.
Hopefully by now it has occurred to you that what I do for you is what I do for myself… and more.
Yet, some of you still aren’t fully implementing ChiroTrust and have a problem investing in yourself, your practice, and your list.
It’s nuts.
So, if you are still picking and choosing what you are willing to implement, if you think that you can’t afford to mail your list, if you think can’t take every Friday-Sunday off, or if you aren’t ready to attend a Committee Meeting…
Then YOU are the reason why your practice isn’t growing.
It’s not your location.
It’s not the # of Chiropractors in your town.
It’s not ChiroTrust.
It’s you.
The fastest path to change is questioning what you do and don’t do and why.
If you are serious about growing your practice…
If you are tired of procrastinating…
If you need more help…
Let me have a day with you.
Let’s identify everything that you like and dislike about your practice.
Because whatever you are going through is okay and necessary for your growth, provided that you take it on and stop using it as a justification for your fear, skepticism, or impatience.
Time to say enough is enough.
Time to be a little bit harder on yourself.
Be a “CommitEE”
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