I love business.
In business, you often get exactly what you deserve.
If you have the right product for the right market and you know how to market and deliver it, then you will succeed.
Working on businesses is my passion.
It’s what I do best.
It’s where I make my greatest impact.
I struggle when I venture into activities that are not as black and white as business, that may or may not work out regardless of knowledge, confidence, and experience.
Some of you may be the same way and others may find fulfillment in other facets of life for completely different reasons.
So, if you see someone succeeding at something, just know that the grass isn’t any greener over there. They are great at some things and they struggle at others, just like you do.
The key is to accept what is and just be and do the best that you can.
That’s all you can do and should do.
…And that’s a lot.
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