What are you?
A Chiropractor, a Business Owner, or Both?
A Chiropractor works on patients.
A Business Owner works on the business.
Working ON your practice is just as important as working ON patients.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that YOU have to do all the work ON the practice but YOU DO have to think, the plan, and assure that things get done.
YOU have to pay attention and stay on top of everything your patients experience. Think about all of this stuff… often (like daily, Mon.-Thur, even if it’s just for a few minutes each):
- Your past/current/future customers (patients). Are they thinking of you often enough, like daily?
- Your messaging. Is everything that your patients see, hear, and experience congruent with ONLY what THEY want?
- Your market. Are you narrowing your market down enough or are you still operating with the mindset that “Everyone with a Spine” is a potential patient?
- Your list. Is it always updated and current?
- Your care. Is it what they want or are you still using modalities and procedures that may not be to their liking or do not increase the perceived value of what you offer?
- Your reputation. What are you known for?
- Your relevance. Do they even care?
- Your relationships. Do your patients like you, think about you, “feel” your presence online, offline, and virtually all of the time?
The “money” comes after the thinking, the planning, and the executing, not before.
The “money” comes from patients referring and returning, not churning and burning.
There is a way of doing all this right.
We cover it for free at our member-only get-togethers——> Click Here
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