Want to get more done each day?
A LOT MORE done?
It’s not hard, you know.
As a matter of fact, not only can you get A LOT MORE done each day, but you can do it with a lot less stress, distraction, and brain damage.
All you have to do is change what you do and when you do it.
Those who manage their time by strategically picking what they do and when they do it never run out of time.
They have enough of it for everything and everyone.
But those who don’t manage their time are always running behind, nervous, and unproductive.
So, what is the secret?
Get up earlier. A lot earlier.
4 am is ideal.
5 am is push’n it.
To pull this off, I go to bed by 8:30
You’d be shocked how much work and think’n you can get done when everyone else isn’t work’n and think’n!
Most of my daily work is done by 8 am, and the experience is so much better—like ten-times better!
Working on your business during office hours is like building your racecar during the race. It’s nearly impossible.
The early bird truly does catch the worm.
4 am – 8 am is where it’s at!
You can be the hunter or the hunted.
The choice is yours, and it’s all determined by your habits.
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