Fertile Ground…
It’s all the non-verbal things that have a bigger impact on a patient’s confidence, decisions, and probably clinical outcomes than they know, appreciate, and can measure.
It’s that powerful.
It’s that magical.
It’s that important.
Creating Fertile Ground is marketing.
A mood, a vibe, a smile.
The clothing that you wear.
The number of patients coming in and out.
How fit you and your staff are.
What you don’t say.
What you don’t do.
Creating Fertile Ground is “Pull Marketing” as opposed to “Push Marketing”.
It requires less force, less convincing, less “educating”… less everything.
To win a patient over for life, you must create and maintain Fertile Ground.
Even if your patients don’t read every email, postcard, or monthly pain relief update…
They see that you are consistent, reliable, and in momentum and that helps build and maintain trust.
If a doctor is struggling, it’s because their practice lacks Fertile Ground… Every time.
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