If you spend any time at all on Facebook, YouTube, and/or Instagram, you will see tons of sponsored, promoted, or paid posts/ads.
Some are videos, some are graphics.
Many link to a website, an order form, or a landing page to capture your contact information.
Have you ever asked yourself…
“If their product is so great, how come they always replace it with something new to sell?”
The biggest names in Internet marketing rely on a unique business model—a business model that you and I couldn’t pull off, and that’s a good thing.
Because it requires them to spend most of their time marketing what they sell, not fulfilling what they sell.
You and I don’t have the time or the luxury.
To mass marketers, it’s all about numbers and money extraction.
– Upsells
– Downsells
– Affiliates
– Front end
– Back end
Their customers are constantly being pitched new products and services and that is why they lose most of the customers they attract.
Their first product or service sold to a customer is just the beginning. Typically, the first transaction barely covers their customer acquisition costs.
It’s similar to television infomercials… When you call to order, they attempt to sell you more stuff.
Did you know that many infomercial businesses make most of their money on the “shipping and handling” and not on the actual product?
“They” target millions of people—a “mass” market.
They can afford to sell, sell, sell, and sell hard.
They are fishing out of a vast ocean.
I am fishing out of a pond with a virtually forever fixed amount of prospective clients who aren’t going anywhere and can be prospects for a long time.
You are fishing out of a stream that contains an everlasting but virtually fixed amount of new prospects swimming by. Timing is everything.
You and I have a very specific customer type.
And you better know who that customer type is because if everybody is your market, then no one is your market.
So, ask yourself these questions…
“Is my focus and positioning general, broad, and diluted?”
“Am I struggling with fact that most people use Chiropractic for neck and/or back pain relief?”
“Is everything that I say and do congruent with what the market already wants from me?”
You and I are in the people business. It’s not a numbers game.
Less is more.
Patients want to be liked, listened to, and let go.
How do they know that you like them? By not ignoring them.
How do they know that they are being heard? By agreeing, asking questions, and being economic with your words.
How do they react when you let them go? They come back and refer others.
There is a saying, “The only difference between salad and garbage is timing.”
That is why you can never ignore your patient list.
You never know when someone is thinking about picking up the phone and calling you.
But one thing is certain… If they aren’t in pain and thinking of you at the same time, they ain’t call’n.
Don’t ignore your list.
It’s everything.
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